(a) This is a report of a visual only, non-invasive inspection of the areas of the building that were readily visible at the time of inspection. The inspection did not include any areas or components which were concealed or closed in behind finished surfaces (such as plumbing, drainage, heating, framing, ventilation, insulation or wiring) or which required the moving of anything which impeded access or limited visibility (such as floor coverings, furniture, appliances, personal (property, vehicles, vegetation, debris or soil).
(b) the inspection did not assess compliance with the NZ Building Code including the Code’s weathertightness requirements, or structural aspects. On request, specialist inspections can be arranged of weathertightness or structure or of any systems including electrical, plumbing, gas or heating.
(c) As the purpose the inspection was to assess the general condition of the exterior of the building based on the limited visual inspection described in (a), this report may not identify all past, present or future defects. Descriptions in this report of systems or appliances relate to existence only and not adequacy or life expectancy. Any area or component of the building or any item or system not specifically identified in this report as having been inspected was excluded from the scope of the inspection.
(d) This report has been prepared on the basis of a visual inspection of the building works using normal readily available access, and without testing of components for the assessment of the overall structural condition of it and associated items, and without recourse to construction drawings.
(e) This report is based on experience and reasonable opinion however is not a guarantee against moisture ingress at the time of inspection or in the future. This inspection has been done to the writer’s best ability with all reasonable care taken using visual and non-invasive methods. This report is a guide only (as per NZ Standard) and not a guarantee against moisture ingress or structural failure and is to be accepted as such by the owner.
(f) It is confirmed that no detailed geotechnical investigation has been included in this brief. An investigation of the condition and location of underground waterways, underground drainage and services and of electrical, gas and plumbing (except as otherwise may be described in this report) is not included in this brief.
(g) No warranty can be given as to other defects not apparent to visual inspection at the time inclusive of underground services, waterproofing, soil stability or the moisture content in partitions or exterior claddings.
(h) Weather conditions can affect moisture found eg long dry spells, driving rain in certain directions which can cause localised leaks and may only occur three to four times per year. Guidelines as below, flashings, ground levels, etc. This stresses the importance of flashings, ground levels, etc, which may be highlighted in this report.
(i) This property report does not include the structural, electrical, plumbing or gas piping and fitting, home heating state of the premises, as our consultants are not qualified for this but can arrange for these areas to be inspected by those people whose qualifications enable them to do so.
(j) This report does not include any positioning of building or improvements in relation to site boundaries, or provide any guarantee whatsoever that items surveyed will not fail at some later date, and information herein pertains strictly to observations the day of inspection and accessibility only.
(k) If the property is controlled by a Body Corporate or similar it would be recommended prior to purchase a copy of the minutes is obtained from the Corporate Secretary to establish the history of the inspected property or other properties under such Body Corporate. This inspection has been untaken on this sole dwelling and does not extend to remainder of complex, or common areas. The inspection is confined to the above property only and does not cover structural integrity of the entire complex.
(l) This document and information contained within is intended only for the use of the addressee named above.
(m) Preventative Maintenance Service Ltd (Prevent) and the inspector undertaking the inspection do not carry insurance covering moisture ingress or damage caused by moisture ingress or any form of timber decay or defects cause by moisture as there is no such cover available. Preventative Maintenance Services Ltd and the inspector undertaking the inspection in no way offer any form of guarantee against moisture ingress or moisture related defects or defects not visible at the time of inspection or in the future and will pay no form of financial compensation for same.
Without prejudice or malice.